This website is under major (re)construction. Please excuse any outdated/unfinished content, thank you!
Hello, my name is Taffy, but most Toontown players would likely know me as my toon name, Bubble. This website is dedicated to The Boiler, who is a lategame boss released in Toontown Rewritten's Sellbot Task Force Expansion, and my all-time favorite character in any sort of fiction. I've dedicated many years to loving them, and you may have seen me around if you're active in TTR community spaces.
This place exists to share my appreciation for The Boiler to the world while also archiving media related to them, whether it be official content or my own personal creations. I hope you at least find it mildly interesting to browse :-).
As you look at this website for the first time, you may question who exactly the overly-cutesy human guy is. That's the Boy-ler, I made them as a parody of 2010s tumblr culture and the humnization trends at the time, but got attached, oops! Don't assume I think thats a realistic human design for The Boiler, I am well aware they would not look like that, LOL. You'll likely see them scattered around here as a sort of "mascot".
You can navigate the fanpage with the links to the right, i recommend you check the about page first. you can return to my main website by clicking "BACK HOME" to the left of this text box.